Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sushi Express@Citylink

Craving for sushi? Why not visit this brand new outlet at menu, just sit along the conveyor belt and enjoy the freshly made sushi served right in front of you :)
From now till Tuesday (7th June), there is a opening special promotion...each plate are sold at only $1 (usual price $1.80) !! 还在等什么?:P

my pic still inverted...argghhh!

this used to be Xinwang taiwan cha can ting...

the promo is indeed attractive! luckily we din have to wait too long in the queue :P

shop front...

sitting along the conveyor belt....take ur pick!

we were right in front of the raw fish counter...

only 50min to eat! more than enough time :)


not sure what is this...looks like shrimps, but niceee!

baby taco...hubbs took 2 plates!


such a big slice of fish!!

sashimi galore..... 3 slices on each plate, each piece only...30cents!!

our favourite salmon! took 3 plates of this!!

tuna!! very fresh

salmon again...

this taste like peach with jelly fish...haha
must try! this is really nice!

honey sakura prawns
i love this one too :P
hubbs specially went over to another counter to wait for these two plates...
fish roe!!
tea is FOC!
quite fragrant
hehee..isn't this cute?

this is nice...but i still prefer the deep fried type :P
good variety!
green tea mochi? must try this too...!
heee...a lot huh? but almost one third is sashimi!!
payment at the cashier after meal...
cute figurines for sale at the cashier....
sushi head?
or sushi with body? hahhaa

our final bill... 23plate +gst n service charge :P
the opening hours...

Address: #B1-23 CityLink Mall

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